From the High School News: volleyball field setter Michiyo-Chan is the topic.Good sense setter, 2nd grade sudent Michiyo-Chan, takes part in volleyball, recently the breast has become big, her movement has become slow, she is in a bad condition. A furious move is done, and the tight shirt lifted and navel comes out. The shirts hem is fixed at the bloomers with a clip. |
The last volleyball field's result was poor, as a result of this the team was downgraded. The trainer will exchange quickly Michiyo-Chan if the 1st grader setter make the throw. Poor new setter due her many mistakes this was a shabby lose. Helplessly at the end of game, setter Michiyo-Chan let do her turn under a direction of the trainer. Michiyo-Chan must leads the it's best giving team, 1. set regrettablity dropped flow of game due aggresive play. 2. set splendid turn-around due success. In the 3. set tie matchpoint has come Nervousness due the situation, Michiyo-chan jumped a block due her breast has gained weight she lost balance and crashed into the net. Hem of shirt's clip hang in the net, upper body get nude. |
This is judged as foulplay. Bloomer gets torn. Her bra shows up, It's a hard time. With this failure the flow of the game has changed, Michiyo-chan is surprised. Her toss was very bad, so the attacker of the team couldn'nt succeed. As the natural consequence a cruelty loss game. Due this loss of Michiyo-chan's high school team is seeded to end, they aren't qualified for the superior tournament. "It is the first time that I got such absurd results" after that the trainer became abnormal, at the school sport ground the team members meets. Michiyo-Chan have to appear nude in front of the team. Ichijiku-enema give as punishment. Due the serious faults are done by Michiyo-chan she gets violently 5 enemas from trainer. Bound to the rear hand with sit down imidiatly. Her belly grumbling and she's starting to shit. Other enemas given by girls, Michiyo-Chan punish for the sake of giving enema, command her to shit and beginning to beat her up. |
After about 10 minutes she was covered with shit from head to foot. "That's not enough" said the trainer. The trainer piss a lot on Michiyo-Chan's head. This thing is too much for brave enduring Michiyo-Chan. |
The trainer never clammed his anger. Finally Michiyo-Chan's head is pushed in a mountain of shit. "Eat!" the trainer commanded. She cannot eat, Michiyo-Chan burst into tears. The trainer is muscular but foolish and kicking mercylessly into Michiyo-Chan's full belly. Due stomach acid and vomiting, she soon get faint. |
"The excreta tank is suitable for that pig" remark the trainer and leave the sports ground. Michiyo-Chan is left on the sport ground covered with shit and spew. After waking up she goes to the washing place to clean herself. "Don't come!" a sport ground employee jeered. Return to the dressing room, but changed clothes went in basket incineration. "Have you finished cleaning the shit from the ground?" Again she is expelled from the dressing room. Lamenting while cleaning nude the sport ground, Going along the street completely naked the neighbors keep distance. After this her room is secluded. Participants mercylessly talk: "Justly." |